What other Implants are there?

I have been scouring the internet to see what other implants there are besides just butt implants. Its amazing what else you can do to improve your looks. There are the obvious breast implants, as well as other things that most of us might now think of as much, like dental implants or even hair implants.

Breast implants are probably the most searched type of implant on the internet. What is it that makes people get these type of implants. The surgery can be very simple but the pain and uncomforableness of it all can last for weeks and even months, just to feel like hot stuff in that new bikini. Is it worth it? You tell me.

Now dental implants are a bit different than butt implants on a scale of doing it for the looks. Whereas I feel that butt implants are not a necessity, I do feel that dental implants could help you with eating and just looking decent when you smile. Or on the other hand lest compare hair implants to butt implants. Hair implants are not a necessity, but for crying out loud its hair. Who doesnt want to have hair on their head.

So as you can see butt implants are not something you really have to have, and comparing it to the other implants it might be the lowes on the list.


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